Tuari Brothers - 3 brothers from Gisborne, Aotearoa-New Zealand.  Born into a family deeply steeped in Māori heritage. The Tuari Brothers were raised in and with music from all genres as a collective vehicle for self expression.

The brothers, Tatana, Tame and Haami, channel themes of cultural identity, whānau, love and life through te reo Māori lyric, rhyme and song.

Unique to the trio is a warm, masculine and  compelling sound that resonates so well because as brothers they have similar timbre and attitude to music, dance and performance.

It is a love of music that binds the brothers and their families together under the mantle of creating music that firstly speaks to the hearts and minds of their children. Secondly, the sharing of  songs that are reflective of their present day culture, identity and everyday lived experiences.


The Tuari Brothers are forging ahead in 2024  with increased live gigs, a new bi-lingual track funded by New Zealand on Air set for release in June, as well as a,  fresh new look reflective of the group's outlook as developing songwriters. It's been a year since the release of their award winning te reo EP titled "Rongo" and the ride has been awesome, but the world has shifted once again. 

The new track called "Higher" talks about persevering - being single-minded when faced with difficulties or delays  in achieving success. Our music is still infectious, it is still 'kaupapa Māori' and it is still modern pop  with shades of ragga, rap and RnB.  The biggest difference is we have gotten a little older and hopefully, a lot more wiser along the way.

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