Taku reo rangatira 

I heke mai nō tūāuki, nō ngā tīpuna 

nei au ka mihi! 

Ko tō reo rangatira, he taonga. 

Pūritia! Arohaina! 


Whiua ki te ao tō reo rerehua 

Whiua ki te rangi 

Whiua kia hora 

Whiua ki ngā iwi katoa 

Nōku te māngari i taku reo rangatira 

He reo kāmehameha 

Kua ora māua i a māua (anō) 

Kia tū māia koe 

Me kaha koe ki te kōrero 

Me whakapono ka tāea e koe 

Ahakoa tōna iti 

Ahakoa tōna rahi 

Kia ita ki tō reo rangatira 


Kia tīkina ko ngā kupu a Tā Apirana 

Ko ngā ‘A’, ‘O’, ngā pū ka whakamārama 

I te noho a te tangata ki te ao 

I te hono anō hoki o te tangata ki te taiao 

Ko te ‘I’ te pū i taketake i te tāhūhū 

te matua a Rangi 

Ko te ‘U” te pū ka whakawhenua anō i te tangata 

ki a Papatūānuku 

Nō reira, e te iwi 

Whakamānawatia te reo rangatira, te reo kāmehameha 

Tuari ki te rangi! 

Tuari ki te papa! 


My language 

It has been handed down from yonder, 

from our ancestors, 

and I thank thee! 

Your language 

Is a gift, take hold of it 

Love it! 

Honour it! 

Unleash your beautiful language to the world 

Let it soar to the sky 

Let it be widespread 

Unleash it upon everyone 

I am privileged because of my language 

An invaluable language 

We have sustained one another 

In order to be confident 

You have to try your best to speak it 

And have faith that you can 

Regardless of how little you know 

Or how much you know 

Hold fast onto your language 

Let us take heed of Sir Apirana’s words that explain that ‘a’ and ‘o’ vowels are informed by how the people live and are connected to the world. 

The ‘i’ vowels descends from the ridgepole of that world, that being the sky father, Rangi. 

The ‘u’ vowel grounds us back to mother earth, Papatūānuku. 

So, to all we invoke 
That you honour our precious gift 

Share it as far as the sky reaches As deep as the ground goes and share it with the world



Papakotia te whenua 
Kia whakatō ai ngā purapura a Rongo 

He kano whakatipu atua 
I heke nō Rangiātea 
Ko tāua tēnā, e tama 
Ka tiritiria te whenua 
Ko maninitua ki a koe 
Ko maniniaro ki a au 
E huke, e hika! 
Hukea ai te mata o te whenua 
E tama, ki te whakarite tika tō māra 

Ko te ao e tama 
Kai te kapu o ō ringa 
Māu rā e para tonu te ara tika 
Kia kite atu ai tō manawanui 
Ara mai rā ki te whakatinana 
I a Io, i a Rongo 
Ko te ao e tama, kai te kapu o ō ringa 

Whakapono, tumanako me te aroha 
Ngā kai hai whakatipu māra 
Rongopū, Rongomau, Rongoioio 
Ngā whakatinanatanga o Rongo, e tama. 

Kaua e whakamā kia paru ai ō ringaringa He tohu kē tēnā o ngā mahi atua 

Manaakitanga koia te ia o te māoritanga He mana nui koe nā Rongo 

Ko te ao e tama 
Kai te kapu o ō ringa 
Māu rā e para tonu te ara tika 

Kia kite atu ai tō manawanui Ara mai rā taku raukura 

Whakaiho i tō tū 
Kaua e matakū 
Ko koe te ata o ō tīpuna 
Te whakatinanatanga o ō rātou wawata 


Loosen up the soil 
So that the seeds of Rongo can be sown 

They’re seeds to grow Gods 
Gods who descend from Rangiātea 
So, that’s us boys 
Let’s till the land 
You can have maninitua 
And I’ll have maniniaro 
Dig up, my son 
Uncover what’s at the surface of the land 

My son, to properly prepare our garden 

The world my son 
Is in the palm of your hands 
Only you can pave your own pathway 
In order for everyone to know you’re resolute 

So rise up now, so that you can embody 
Io and Rongo 
The world my son, is in the palms of your hands 

Faith, Hope and Love 
Are what sustains a garden. 
Be like the many facets of Rongo who is resolute yet gentle. 
So, don’t be embarrassed to put those hands to work 
As it is a deed carried also by the Gods. 

Because to tend to the people is at the heart of who we are and who Rongo is, like that of you. 

The world my son 
Is in the palm of your hands 
Only you can pave your own pathway 
In order for everyone to know you’re resolute 

So rise up now, so that you can embody 
Io and Rongo 
The world my son, is in the palms of your hands 

Stand tall in all that you do 
Never be afraid 
For you are a reflection of your ancestors 

You are the embodiment of their dreams.



Whakanuia o tatou wāhine 

Ngā mana o te motu 
Ngā ata o Hinetītama

Whakanuia o tatou wāhine 

Ngā mana o te motu 

Ngā ata o Hinetītama 

Whakanuia te mana, te tapu, te hiringa matua o te ira tangata, o te ao mārama. 

Te whakatinanatanga o Hiwa-i-te-rangi. 

Ko koe tēnā, e hine, e Mā, e te kōkā.

Tīramarama mai, pīataata mai tō rerehua Kia ora tonu ai te iwi 

Ko te wahine te timatanga, te kiko me te whakamutunga o te ao. 
E te iwi... 

Whakanuia o tatou wāhine 

Ngā mana o te motu 
Ngā ata o Hinetītama Whakanuia o tatou wāhine

Ngā mana o te motu 

Ngā ata o Hinetītama 

E hine, e hine 
E hine ko au tēnā ka whakatauira 
I te āhua o te whakatinana i te manaakitanga i tō ao mārama 
E hika, māku te ao e whakarerekē 
Kia mōhio, kia rongo ai koe i te pono o te aroha mutunga kore. 
Tāne mā kia tika te tiaki i ngā wāhine 
E hika mō ake 
E te iwi, whakanuia! 


Let’s celebrate our matriarchs 

The binding entities of our nation 

The semblances of Hinetītama 

Let’s celebrate the esteemed, the sacred, the vivacity of all humanity and the world. 
The embodiment of Hiwa-i-te-rangi. 
That is to all the girls, mothers and aunties. 

May you continue to shine on us with your grace and eminence. 

For it is you who are the beginning, the centre and the ending of us all. 
Let us all... 

Let’s celebrate our matriarchs 

The binding entities of our nation 

The semblances of Hinetītama 

My dear girl, 
I will demonstrate to you 
How one shows care for you. 
I will change the world for you 
To ensure you know and understand that you are loved. 

We must respect and cherish all our women forever more. 
So, let us all come together and rejoice them all!


Nau mai e Rongo 
Kia maru ai te rā 
Kia tau ai taku wairua 

Nau mai e Rongo Kia maru ai te rā 
Kia hua mai ai te ora 

Whitikina mai tō aroha 
Kia mahea ai te ngākaurua Kia tau tōku mauri 

E ū, āio e 
E ū, āio 
Ko Rongo-taketake Ko Rongo-tāhuahua Ko Rongo-marua Ue, Io 

Nau mai, e Rongo 
Kia maru ai te rā 
Nau mai, e Rongo 
Kia hua mai te ora 
Nau mai, e Rongo 
Kia tau te katoa 
Tukuna mai tō iho matua ki a au. 

E ū, āio e 
E ū, āio 
Ko Rongotaketake Ko Rongotāhuahua Ko Rongomarua Ū, e Io 

Kia hiwa rā, te pae tukutuku 
Kia hiwa rā, te pae nekeneke 
Kia ū ki te wānanga o te ngū 
Nau mai rā, e Rongo kia maru ai te rā 

Nau mai rā, e Rongo kia maru ai te rā 


We welcome you, Rongo 

To bring enlightenment and settle my spirit 

We welcome you, Rongo 

To bring enlightenment and awaken my spirit 

Shine upon us your proclivity, 

To clear away any doubts and receive serenity 

I call on you Rongo so I may be resolute and sustain inner peace 
Like that of Rongo-taketake Rongo-tahuahua 

Rongo-marua Ue(nuku) and Io 

Come to me Rongo 
So I may receive your light 
I call you Rongo 
So I may be revived 
Welcome, Rongo 
So that we are as one with you I invoke your eminence unto me 

I call you Rongo so I may be resolute and maintain inner peace 
Like that of Rongo-taketake Rongo-tahuahua 

Rongo-marua Ue(nuku) and Io 

Be alert as he enters 

Let us maintain focus 

In practising self-acceptance

Welcome, Rongo 

I receive your enlightenment.


E Rongo e 
Ka whakairia koe ki runga 

E Rongo, e Rongo e 

Whakatau te wairua 

Kia ū, kia tau 

Whakatau te wairua 

Kia ū, kia tau 



Kia mau ki te kupu 

E tipu ai te kupu 

Ki tōna iho matua 

Whakatau te wairua 

Kia ū, kia tau 

Whakatau te wairua 

Kia ū, kia tau 

Rongomātāne mauri tau, kia ū 

Kia tūturu 

Whakatau te wairua 

Kia ū, kia tau 

Whakatau te wairua 

Kia ū, kia tau 



Kia mau ki te kupu 

E tipu ai te kupu 

Ki tōna iho matua 

Rongomātāne mauri tau, 

Kia ū, kia tau, kia tūturu 
Rongomātāne mauri tau, kia ū 
Kia tūturu. 


Oh Rongo 
We elevate you above Oh Rongo! Oh Rongo! 

Let’s take a moment to breathe to relax and be calm 
Let’s take a moment to breathe to relax and be calm 

It is Rongo-i-te-whiwhia and Tū-i-te-whiwhia instructing us developing us with wisdom 

Let’s take a moment to breathe to relax and be calm 
Let’s take a moment to breathe to relax and be calm 

It is Rongomātāne also who exemplifies how to be still, calm and true 

Let’s take a moment to breathe to relax and be calm 
Let’s take a moment to breathe to relax and be calm 

It is Rongo-i-te-whiwhia and Tū-i-te-whiwhia instructing us developing us with wisdom 

It is Rongomātāne also who exemplifies to be still, calm and true 
It is Rongomātāne also who exemplifies to be still, calm and true.